Alaotra Grebe also known as Delacour’s little grebe or gravel grebe is an defunct raspberry species substantially seen in the Lake Alaotra and its girding lakes in Madagascar. The species is about 25 cm(9.8 in) long, still, flying of long distances is confined because of small bodies. The decline of the species was started in 20th century primarily because of niche destruction.

The Alaotra grebe( Tachybaptus rufolavatus), also known as Delacour’s little grebe or gravel grebe, is a lately defunct grebe that was aboriginal to Lake Alaotra and its girding lakes in Madagascar. Experts say that the grebe came defunct after carnivirous fish were introduced into its native niche.

The grebe was about 25 cm(9.8 in) long. Its capability to fly long distances was confined because of its small bodies. It displayed no pronounced sexual dimorphism, although males were slightly larger than ladies.

The Alaotra grebe fed substantially on fish, although insects were set up in the tummies of a many samples. Its hefty bill was considered typical of a piscivorous grebe.

The parentage geste of the Alaotra grebe was largely undocumented. Because little and Alaotra grebes were suitable to successfully pair off, it’s suspected that courting and brace conformation took place in December, while utmost parentage exertion took place between January and March. still, grounded on some compliances of aged kids with their maters in late May and early June 1929, it’s suspected that some egg laying must have passed in April to June. else, the geste of this grebe is undescribed, although it’s suspected to have conducted also to the nearly affiliated little grebe.


The species declined in the course of the 20th century, substantially because of niche destruction, trap with monofilament gillnets and predation by the introduced flecked snakehead( Channa maculata). Also, the many remaining catcalls decreasingly hybridized with little grebes; as the species differed in several crucial aspects, the mongrel catcalls may have suffered from dropped fitness, to the detriment of the rufolavatus gene pool.

The Madagascar pochard, which also lived on Lake Alaotra, was allowed to be defunct but was rediscovered in 2006. Unlike this species, still, the grebe had poor powers of disbandment and was noway set up away.

The last sighting( which may have been a mongrel with the little grebe) was in 1985 and the species was declared defunct in 2010. Only one snap of the species is known to live. Although some species have been classified as defunct and latterly have been set up to still live, Leon Bennun, the director of the conservation association BirdLife International has stated that” no stopgap remains for this species” and blames the” unlooked-for consequences” of mortal action.

This extermination brought the number of verified raspberry demolitions since 1600 announcement to 162. The former protestation of a raspberry species as defunct was that of the Liverpool chump( Caloenas maculata) in 2008. still, that was more a problem of taxonomic recognition as that species was last recorded alive in the late 18th or early 19th century.

Distribution and niche
” This submarine species displayed endemism to the islet of Madagascar, simply inhabiting the environs of Lake Alaotra and conterminous water bodies. specially, this grebe displayed a pronounced preference for the wimp beds and papyrus clusters in the vicinity of the lake, which served as its primary nesting niche.



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