The Cape Verde giant skink( Chioninia coctei), also called Bibron’s skink, Cocteau’s skink, and lagarto in Cape Verdean Portuguese, is a lately defunct species of large lizard( skink) that...
One of the defunctanimals., Voay robustus is an defunct species of crocodile from Madagascar and it includes only one species of crocodile that’sV. robustus. There was subfossil for this...
One of the defunct creatures, Delalande’s coua also known as the crawler– eating coua or Delalande’s coucal is an defunct species of thenon-parasitic ditz from Madagascar. The raspberry species...
Canary islets oystercatcher also knew as the Canarian Oystercatcher, or Canarian black Oystercatcher is a shorebird which is substantially seen in the Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, and their coastal islands similar...
Broad– billed pantomimist also known as raven pantomimist is a exticnt pantomimist species belongs to the family of Psittaculidae. It was seen on the Mascarene islet of Mauritius in...
Ascent crake is a flightless raspberry that was seen on Ascension Island in the South Atlantic Ocean. It was declared defunct in the time 1994 by Groombridge. The raspberry...
Alaotra Grebe also known as Delacour’s little grebe or gravel grebe is an defunct raspberry species substantially seen in the Lake Alaotra and its girding lakes in Madagascar. The...
Giant fossa also is known as Cryptoprocta spelea, The species is nearly related to the mongooses and includes all Malagasy carnivorans. It was first discovered in 1902 and belongs...
Canariomys One of the defunct creatures, Canariomys is defunct species of rodents that was one seen on the islets of Tenerife and Gran Canaria, part of the Canary islets,...
Archaeolemur is also an defunct rubric of lemurs that has two species videlicet Archaeolemur edwardsi and A. major. They’re substantially seen in the areas of Madagascar through important of...