The Ascent crake( Mundia elpenor) is an defunct flightless raspberry that preliminarily lived on Ascension Island in the South Atlantic Ocean. Like numerous other flightless catcalls on insulated islets, it was a rail. It was declared defunct by Groombridge in 1994; BirdLife International verified this in 2000 and 2004.
The raspberry was aboriginal to Ascension Island. multitudinous subfossil bones of the raspberry have been set up in deposits at the base of perpendicular fumaroles. Peter Mundy, a 17th- century trafficker and rubberneck gave an account of the raspberry and made a sketch of it when he visited Ascension Island in June 1656. It was described by Mundy as
a strange kind of fowle, much bigger also our sterlings ore gapes collour argentine or dappled, white and blacke feathers combined, eies red like rubies, bodies veritably imperfitt, similar as wherewith they can not raise themselves from the ground. They were taken running, in which they’re exceeding nippy, helping themselves a little with their bodies( as it’s said of the estridge), shortt billed, cloven footed, that can neither fly nor swymme.
It most probably lived in the near– desert areas of the islet and primarily ate sooty tern( Sterna fuscata) eggs. It’s probable that it came defunct after rats were introduced to the islet in the 18th century, but it may have survived until the preface of feral pussycats in 1815.
The raspberry was regarded by Storrs Olson as a relation of Atlantisia rogersi, but recent analysis( Bourne etal., 2003) has shown that the differences between the two are lesser than preliminarily appreciated. The new rubric Mundia( named after the adventurer Peter Mundy) was created in 2003.
The raspberry was aboriginal to Ascension Island. multitudinous subfossil bones of the raspberry have been set up in deposits at the base of perpendicular fumaroles. Peter Mundy, a 17th- century trafficker and rubberneck gave an account of the raspberry and made a sketch of it when he visited Ascension Island in June 1656. It was described by Mundy as
a strange kind of fowle, much bigger also our sterlings ore gapes collour argentine or dappled, white and blacke feathers combined, eies red like rubies, bodies veritably imperfitt, similar as wherewith they can not raise themselves from the ground. They were taken running, in which they’re exceeding nippy, helping themselves a little with their bodies( as it’s said of the estridge), shortt billed, cloven footed, that can neither fly nor swymme.
It most probably lived in the near– desert areas of the islet and primarily ate sooty tern( Sterna fuscata) eggs. It’s probable that it came defunct after rats were introduced to the islet in the 18th century, but it may have survived until the preface of feral pussycats in 1815.
The raspberry was regarded by Storrs Olson as a relation of Atlantisia rogersi, but recent analysis( Bourne etal., 2003) has shown that the differences between the two are lesser than preliminarily appreciated. The new rubric Mundia( named after the adventurer Peter Mundy) was created in 2003.